Sunday, November 14, 2010

A foggy day in November...

We've been having some fog over the last few days here in Toronto.  I went out on Saturday morning and walked by High Park and on the boardwalk by the lake taking some pics along the way.

The willow trees haven't dropped their leaves yet..

The fog made it quite damp....

The boardwalk along the west end beaches

A B&W version of the boardwalk along the west end beaches

A bike memorial to a cyclist that recently died in a traffic accident

A sculler out for a morning row on Lake Ontario

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Winter approaches - Colour vs Black and White

I was out this past Saturday morning taking some late fall photos.  My objective was to try and capture an image representative of the coming winter.  I headed out from Guelph north on Hwy 6 towards Fergus. Due to the early start I fortified myself with a large cup of Tim's to keep me awake. Fall weather being what it is I have to say it was quite frosty (well this is Canada after all).  I did get some nice shots while I was out but upon review at home it became apparent that the photos didn't capture the mood..  After some routine editing it dawned on me that converting one of the images to B&W would go a long way in changing the mood.  The first picture is the original in colour while the one that follows is the B&W version.
Winter approaches - Colour version
While I like both pictures I have to say that I prefer the B & W.  It has a more stark and barren feel to it and is more in line with the mood I was trying to capture. 
Winter approaches - Black and White version
Maybe it's me but I think it presents the viewer with an image more in line with the theme that winter is impending.  So it is interesting how colour can affect our interpretation of images.  Anyway enough of my musings, I guess what it boils down to is we are spoiled these days with our digital cameras.  Post processing offers a wealth of options and ways to be creative.  Just because we capture an image in colour doesn't mean that the final image can't be in B and W.