Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 20: Hike from Cape Spear to Maddox Cove

Today we hiked the East Coast Trail from Cape Spear (the most easterly point in North America) to Maddox Cove which is about 11 km.  The group (Gil, Ruby, Catherine, Patrick, Atty and me) assembled at Gil and Ruby's place, crammed into Gil's pickup truck and headed out.  Our starting point for this hike was by the lighthouse at Cape Spear.  The day was overcast with some fog but fortunately it never rained.  This afforded us a different hiking experience compared to what Atty and I experienced 4 years ago when we hiked the trail last.  The trail was for the most part wasn't too bad but it did have a few tricky sections near the end where the footing was challenging.  The hike was a lot fun in large part because of the company present!

Gil and Catherine

Gil and Atty following the foggy trail

Our stop for lunch

The trail had boggy sections which fortunately had a boardwalk

This solitary tree stood out

Another seaside view from the trail

A section of the trail littered with rocks

Atty traversing a stream

Taking a break

Another view from the trail.  Inspite of the fog the views were still stunning.

Gil taking a break

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